Contact the relevant organizations

It is enough to contact the relevant organizations, such as the Apostille Legalization Bureau and the point whose specialists will do all the work for you.

Presentation of the

issuing and receiving an appropriate certificate with a detailed presentation of the conclusion.

The recognition of the

conducting an expert analysis on the basis of which a conclusion will be made;

How to conduct

How to conduct? The mandatory procedure itself consists of several stages:

The result of

Thus, we can say that a kind of legalization of a diploma of foreign origin.

All the necessary

It is carried out by establishing all the necessary educational levels, professional and academic rights in accordance with the educational standards of the native country.

In this case

In this case, it is necessary to undergo nostrification of the received educational documents in accordance with the norms of the country of residence.

What is nostrification and how it is carried out?

Sep 11 0 Today it is very fashionable to get education abroad.

Layer is

At first, the base layer is applied, it must dry, then the grid is applied and the second layer of a different color varnish is applied to it, until the second layer began to dry quickly and the grid is carefully removed and the snake pattern is ready.

Help tulle

The easiest way to do at least something similar, use craquelure varnish, and make it the most original, you can help tulle or small grid.